experimentor.models.devices.cameras.basler package


experimentor.models.devices.cameras.basler.basler module

class experimentor.models.devices.cameras.basler.basler.BaslerCamera(camera, initial_config=None)[source]

Bases: experimentor.models.devices.cameras.base_camera.BaseCamera


Off, Once, Continuous

Type:Auto exposure can take one of three values

Off, Once, Continuous

Type:Auto Gain must be one of three values

The exposure of the camera, defined in units of time


Finalizes the model. It only takes care of closing the publisher. Child classes should implement their own finalize methods (they get called automatically), and either close the publisher explicitly or use this method.


Gain is a float


Decorator for methods in models. Actions are useful when working with methods that run once, and are normally associated with pressing of a button. Actions are multi-threaded by default, using a single executor that returns a future.

Even though Actions (intended as the method in a model) can take arguments, it may be a better approach to store the parameters as attributes before triggering an action. In this way, triggering an action would be equivalent to pressing a button. In the same way, actions can store return values as attribute in the model itself, avoiding the need to keep track of the future returned by the action. Be aware of potential racing conditions that may arise when using shared memory to exchange information.


Define a clear protocol for exchanging information with models. Should it be state-based (i.e. storing parameters as attributes in the class) or statement based (i.e. passing parameters as arguments of methods).


Base signal which implements the common pattern for defining, emitting and connecting a signal


Pixel format must be one of Mono8, Mono12, Mono12p

read_camera() → list[source]

Reads the camera and stores the image in the temp_image attribute


Starts a free run from the camera. It will preserve only the latest image. It depends on how quickly the experiment reads from the camera whether all the images will be available or only some.


Decorator for methods in models. Actions are useful when working with methods that run once, and are normally associated with pressing of a button. Actions are multi-threaded by default, using a single executor that returns a future.

Even though Actions (intended as the method in a model) can take arguments, it may be a better approach to store the parameters as attributes before triggering an action. In this way, triggering an action would be equivalent to pressing a button. In the same way, actions can store return values as attribute in the model itself, avoiding the need to keep track of the future returned by the action. Be aware of potential racing conditions that may arise when using shared memory to exchange information.


Define a clear protocol for exchanging information with models. Should it be state-based (i.e. storing parameters as attributes in the class) or statement based (i.e. passing parameters as arguments of methods).


Decorator for methods in models. Actions are useful when working with methods that run once, and are normally associated with pressing of a button. Actions are multi-threaded by default, using a single executor that returns a future.

Even though Actions (intended as the method in a model) can take arguments, it may be a better approach to store the parameters as attributes before triggering an action. In this way, triggering an action would be equivalent to pressing a button. In the same way, actions can store return values as attribute in the model itself, avoiding the need to keep track of the future returned by the action. Be aware of potential racing conditions that may arise when using shared memory to exchange information.


Define a clear protocol for exchanging information with models. Should it be state-based (i.e. storing parameters as attributes in the class) or statement based (i.e. passing parameters as arguments of methods).


Triggers the camera.


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