Source code for experimentor.drivers.digilent.ad2

# ##############################################################################
#  Copyright (c) 2021 Aquiles Carattino, Dispertech B.V.                       #
# is part of Experimentor.                                             #
#  This file is released under an MIT license.                                 #
#  See LICENSE.MD for more information.                                        #
# ##############################################################################

Drivers for the Analog Discovery 2 board (they may also work with other boards). The idea is to wrap the methods
that appear in the examples to make them more "Pythonic". At the time of writing (July 2021), Digilent has provided
only with a low-level c-API library that is filled with values passed by reference and other patterns that are not
common for a Python developer.

This driver is not aimed at being exhaustive but rather focused on the objectives at hand, namely using the analog
acquisition synchronized via an external trigger (which can also be on the board itself).
import sys
from ctypes import byref, c_bool, c_byte, c_double, c_int, c_ubyte, c_uint, cdll, create_string_buffer

import numpy as np

from experimentor.drivers.digilent.dwfconst import AcquisitionMode, AnalogAcquisitionFilter, AnalogInTriggerMode, \
    DigitalOutIdle, DigitalOutOutput, DigitalOutType, InstrumentState, \
    TriggerLength, TriggerSlope, TriggerSource
from experimentor.drivers.exceptions import DriverException
from experimentor.lib.log import get_logger

logger = get_logger()

    if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
        dwf = cdll.dwf
    elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
        dwf = cdll.LoadLibrary("/Library/Frameworks/dwf.framework/dwf")
        dwf = cdll.LoadLibrary("")
    logger.error("The library for controlling the digilent cards was not found. Please check your own "
                 "installation before proceeding")

[docs]class AnalogDiscovery: def __init__(self): self.hdwf = c_int()
[docs] def initialize(self, dev_num=-1): """ Initialize the communication with a device identified by its order Parameters ---------- dev_num : int The device number to open, by default it opens the last device Raises ------ DriverException If the device can't be opened """ dwf.FDwfDeviceOpen(c_int(dev_num), byref(self.hdwf)) if self.hdwf.value == 0: szerr = create_string_buffer(512) dwf.FDwfGetLastErrorMsg(szerr) raise DriverException(str(szerr.value))
[docs] def analog_out_count(self): """The number of analog output channels available on this board. Returns ------- int The number of analog channels available """ num_channels = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogOutCount(self.hdwf, byref(num_channels)) return num_channels.value
[docs] def analog_in_reset(self): dwf.FDwfAnalogInReset(self.hdwf)
[docs] def analog_in_configure(self, reconfigure=1, start=1): dwf.FDwfAnalogInConfigure(self.hdwf, c_int(reconfigure), c_int(start))
[docs] def analog_in_status(self, read_data=0): """ Checks the status of the acquisition Parameters ---------- read_data : int 0 or 1, to indicate whether data should be read from the device Returns ------- InstrumentState The instrument state """ state = c_ubyte() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatus(self.hdwf, c_int(read_data), byref(state)) return InstrumentState(state)
[docs] def analog_in_samples_left(self): """ Retrieves the number of samples left in the acquisition. Returns ------- int Number of samples remaining """ samples = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusSamplesLeft(self.hdwf, byref(samples)) return samples.value
[docs] def analog_in_samples_valid(self): samples = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusSamplesValid(self.hdwf, byref(samples)) return samples.value
[docs] def analog_in_status_index(self): """ Retrieves the buffer write pointer which is needed in ScanScreen acquisition mode to display the scan bar. Returns ------- int Variable to receive the position of the acquisition. """ index = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusIndexWrite(self.hdwf, byref(index)) return index.value
[docs] def analog_in_status_auto_trigger(self): """ Verifies if the acquisition is auto triggered. Returns ------- int : I guess it returns 1 if the acquisition was auto triggered """ auto = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusAutoTriggered(self.hdwf, byref(auto)) return auto.value
[docs] def analog_in_status_data(self, channel, samples, buffer=None): """ Retrieves the acquired data samples from the specified idxChannel on the AnalogIn instrument. It copies the data samples to the provided buffer. Parameters ---------- channel : int samples : int buffer : c_double array, optional Returns ------- np.array : Array with the data """ if buffer is None: buffer = (c_double * samples)() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusData(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(buffer), samples) return np.array(buffer)
[docs] def analog_in_status_data_2(self, channel, first, samples, buffer=None): """ Retrieves the acquired data samples from the specified idxChannel on the AnalogIn instrument. It copies the data samples to the provided buffer or creates a new buffer. This method allows to specify which data will be copied. To retrieve all data see :meth:`~analog_in_status_data`. Parameters ---------- channel : int first : int samples : int buffer : c_double array, optional Returns ------- numpy.array : Array with the data """ if buffer is None: buffer = (c_double * samples)() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusData2(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(buffer), c_int(first), c_int(samples)) return np.array(buffer)
[docs] def analog_in_status_data_16(self, channel, first, samples, buffer=None): """ Retrieves the acquired raw data samples from the specified idxChannel on the AnalogIn instrument. It copies the data samples to the provided buffer or creates a new one. This is the **raw** data, as opposed to what :meth:`~analog_in_status_data` returns. Parameters ---------- channel : int first : int samples : int buffer : c_double array, optional Returns ------- numpy.array : Array with the data """ if buffer is None: buffer = (c_double * samples)() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusData16(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(buffer), c_int(first), c_int(samples)) return np.array(buffer)
[docs] def analog_in_status_noise(self, channel, samples): """ Retrieves the acquired noise samples from the specified idxChannel on the AnalogIn instrument. Parameters ---------- channel : int samples : int Returns ------- 2-colum numpy.array : minimum noise data, maximum noise data """ min_buffer = (c_double * samples)() max_buffer = (c_double * samples)() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusNoise(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(min_buffer), byref(max_buffer), c_int(samples)) min_buffer = np.array(min_buffer) max_buffer = np.array(max_buffer) return np.stack((min_buffer, max_buffer))
[docs] def analog_in_status_sample(self, channel): """ Gets the last ADC conversion sample from the specified idxChannel on the AnalogIn instrument. Parameters ---------- channel : int Returns ------- float : Sample value """ value = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusSample(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(value)) return value.value
[docs] def analog_in_status_record(self): """ Retrieves information about the recording process. The data loss occurs when the device acquisition is faster than the read process to PC. In this case, the device recording buffer is filled and data samples are overwritten. Corrupt samples indicate that the samples have been overwritten by the acquisition process during the previous read. In this case, try optimizing the loop process for faster execution or reduce the acquisition frequency or record length to be less than or equal to the device buffer size (record length <= buffer size/frequency). Returns ------- data_available : int Available number of samples data_lost : int Lost samples after the last check data_corrupt : int Number of samples that can be corrupt """ data_available = c_int() data_lost = c_int() data_corrupt = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInStatusRecord(self.hdwf, byref(data_available), byref(data_lost), byref(data_corrupt)) return data_available.value, data_lost.value, data_corrupt.value
[docs] def analog_in_record_length_set(self, length): dwf.FDwfAnalogInRecordLengthGet(self.hdwf, c_double(length))
[docs] def analog_in_record_length_get(self): length = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInRecordLengthSet(self.hdwf, byref(length)) return length.value
[docs] def analog_in_frequency_info(self): """ Retrieves the minimum and maximum (ADC frequency) settable sample frequency. Returns ------- min_freq : float Minimum allowed frequency max_freq : float Maximum allowed frequency """ min_freq = c_double() max_freq = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInFrequencyInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_freq), byref(max_freq)) return min_freq.value, max_freq.value
[docs] def analog_in_frequency_set(self, frequency): dwf.FDwfAnalogInFrequencySet(self.hdwf, c_double(frequency))
[docs] def analog_in_frequency_get(self): frequency = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInFrequencyGet(self.hdwf, byref(frequency)) return frequency.value
[docs] def analog_in_bits_info(self): bits = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInBitsInfo(self.hdwf, byref(bits)) return bits.value
[docs] def analog_in_buffer_size_info(self): min_buff = c_int() max_buff = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInBufferSizeInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_buff), byref(max_buff)) return min_buff.value, max_buff.value
[docs] def analog_in_buffer_size_set(self, buffer_size): dwf.FDwfAnalogInBufferSizeSet(self.hdwf, c_int(buffer_size))
[docs] def analog_in_buffer_size_get(self): buffer_size = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInBufferSizeGet(self.hdwf, byref(buffer_size)) return buffer_size.value
[docs] def analog_in_noise_size_info(self): buffer_size = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInNoiseSizeInfo(self.hdwf, byref(buffer_size)) return buffer_size.value
[docs] def analogin_noise_size_get(self): """ Returns the used AnalogIn instrument noise buffer size. This is automatically adjusted according to the sample buffer size. For instance, having maximum buffer size of 8192 and noise buffer size of 512, setting the sample buffer size to 4096 the noise buffer size will be 256. Returns ------- int : Current noise buffer size """ noise_size = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInNoiseSizeGet(self.hdwf, byref(noise_size)) return noise_size.value
[docs] def analog_in_acquisition_mode_info(self): """ Returns the supported AnalogIn acquisition modes. They are returned (by reference) as a bit field. This bit field can be parsed using the IsBitSet Macro. Individual bits are defined using the ACQMODE constants in dwf.h. The acquisition mode selects one of the following modes, ACQMODE: Returns ------- int : Bitfield of modes, needs to be parsed """ mode = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInAcquisitionModeInfo(self.hdwf, byref(mode)) return mode
[docs] def analong_in_acquisition_mode_set(self, mode): """ Parameters ---------- mode : AcquisitionMode """ dwf.FDwfAnalogInAcquisitionModeSet(self.hdwf, mode._value)
[docs] def analog_in_acquisition_mode_get(self): """ Returns ------- AcquisitionMode : Current mode """ mode = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInAcquisitionModeGet(self.hdwf, byref(mode)) return AcquisitionMode(mode)
[docs] def analog_in_sampling_source_set(self, source): """ Parameters ---------- source : TriggerSource """ dwf.FDwfAnalogInSamplingSourceSet(self.hdwf, source._value)
[docs] def analog_in_sampling_source_get(self): source = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInSamplingSourceGet(self.hdwf, byref(source)) return TriggerSource(source)
[docs] def analog_in_sampling_slope_set(self, slope): """ Parameters ---------- slope : TriggerSlope """ dwf.FDwfAnalogInSamplingSlopeSet(self.hdwf, slope._value)
[docs] def analog_in_sampling_slope_get(self): slope = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInSamplingSlopeGet(self.hdwf, byref(slope)) return TriggerSlope(slope)
[docs] def analog_in_sampling_delay_set(self, delay): dwf.FDwfAnalogInSamplingDelaySet(self.hdwf, c_double(delay))
[docs] def analog_in_sampling_delay_get(self): delay = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInSamplingDelayGet(self.hdwf, byref(delay)) return delay.value
[docs] def analog_in_channel_count(self): count = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelCount(self.hdwf, byref(count)) return count.value
[docs] def analog_in_channel_enable(self, channel): """ Enables the specified channel. See :meth:`~analog_in_channel_disable` Parameters ---------- channel : int """ dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelEnableSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), c_bool(True))
[docs] def analog_in_channel_disable(self, channel): """ Disables the specified channel. See :meth:`~analog_in_channel_enable` Parameters ---------- channel : int """ dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelEnableSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), c_bool(False))
[docs] def analog_in_channel_enable_get(self, channel): enabled = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelEnableGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(enabled)) return enabled.value
[docs] def analog_in_channel_filter_info(self): filter = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelFilterInfo(self.hdwf, byref(filter)) return filter
[docs] def analog_in_channel_filter_set(self, channel, filter): dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelFilterSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), filter._value)
[docs] def analog_in_channel_filter_get(self, channel): filter = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelFilterGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(filter)) return AnalogAcquisitionFilter(filter)
[docs] def analog_in_channel_range_info(self): """ Returns ------- volts_min : float volts_max : float volts_steps : float """ volts_min = c_double() volts_max = c_double() volts_steps = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelRangeInfo(self.hdwf, byref(volts_min), byref(volts_max), byref(volts_steps)) return volts_min.value, volts_max.value, volts_steps.value
[docs] def analog_in_channel_range_set(self, channel, channel_range): dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelRangeSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), c_double(channel_range))
[docs] def analog_in_channel_range_get(self, channel): channel_range = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelRangeGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(channel_range)) return channel_range.value
[docs] def analog_in_channel_offset_info(self): volts_min = c_double() volts_max = c_double() steps = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelOffsetInfo(self.hdwf, byref(volts_min), byref(volts_max), byref(steps)) return volts_min.value, volts_max.value, steps.value
[docs] def analog_in_channel_offset_set(self, channel, offset): dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelOffsetSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), c_double(offset))
[docs] def analog_in_channel_offset_get(self, channel): offset = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelOffsetGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(offset)) return offset.value
[docs] def analog_in_channel_attenuation_set(self, channel, attenuation): """ Configures the attenuation for each channel. When channel index is specified as -1, each enabled AnalogIn channel attenuation will be configured to the same level. The attenuation does not change the attenuation on the device, just informs the library about the externally applied attenuation. Parameters ---------- channel : int attenuation : float """ dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelAttenuationSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), c_double(attenuation))
[docs] def analog_in_channel_attenuation_get(self, channel): attenuation = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInChannelAttenuationGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(attenuation)) return attenuation.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_source_set(self, source): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerSourceSet(self.hdwf, source._value)
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_source_get(self): source = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerSourceGet(self.hdwf, byref(source)) return TriggerSource(source)
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_position_info(self): """ Returns the minimum and maximum values of the trigger position in seconds. For Single/Repeated acquisition mode the horizontal trigger position is used is relative to the buffer middle point. For Record mode the position is relative to the start of the capture. .. todo:: The documentation specifies steps as double, but it makes more sense for it to be an integer. Other methods like :meth:`~analog_in_trigger_auto_timeout_info` use an integer Returns ------- min_trigger : float max_trigger : float steps : float """ min_trigger = c_double() max_trigger = c_double() steps = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerPositionInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_trigger), byref(max_trigger), byref(steps)) return min_trigger.value, max_trigger.value, steps.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_position_set(self, position): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerPositionSet(self.hdwf, c_double(position))
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_position_get(self): position = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerPositionGet(self.hdwf, byref(position)) return position.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_auto_timeout_info(self): min_timeout = c_double() max_timeout = c_double() steps = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerAutoTimeoutInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_timeout), byref(max_timeout), byref(steps)) return min_timeout.value, max_timeout.value, steps.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_auto_timeout_set(self, timeout=0): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerAutoTimeoutSet(self.hdwf, c_double(timeout))
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_auto_timeout_get(self): timeout = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerAutoTimeoutGet(self.hdwf, byref(timeout)) return timeout.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_holdoff_info(self): """ Returns the supported range of the trigger Hold-Off time in Seconds. The trigger hold-off is an adjustable period of time during which the acquisition will not trigger. This feature is used when you are triggering on burst waveform shapes, so the oscilloscope triggers only on the first eligible trigger point. Returns ------- min_holdoff : float max_holdoff : float steps : float """ min_holdoff = c_double() max_holdoff = c_double() steps = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerHoldOffInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_holdoff), byref(max_holdoff), byref(steps)) return min_holdoff.value, max_holdoff.value, steps.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_holdoff_set(self, holdoff): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerHoldOffSet(self.hdwf, c_double(holdoff))
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_holdoff_get(self): holdoff = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerHoldOffGet(self.hdwf, byref(holdoff)) return holdoff.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_type_set(self, trig_type): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerTypeSet(self.hdwf, trig_type._value)
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_type_get(self): trig_type = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerTypeGet(self.hdwf, byref(trig_type)) return AnalogInTriggerMode(trig_type)
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_channel_info(self): min_channel = c_int() max_channel = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerChannelInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_channel), byref(max_channel)) return min_channel.value, max_channel.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_channel_set(self, channel): """Sets the trigger channel.""" dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerChannelSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel))
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_filter_info(self): """ Returns the supported trigger filters. They are returned (by reference) as a bit field which can be parsed using the IsBitSet Macro. Individual bits are defined using the FILTER constants in DWF.h. Select trigger detector sample source, FILTER: - filterDecimate: Looks for trigger in each ADC conversion, can detect glitches. - filterAverage: Looks for trigger only in average of N samples, given by :meth:`~analog_in_frequency_set`. """ filter_info = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerFilterInfo(self.hdwf, byref(filter_info)) return filter_info.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_filter_set(self, trig_filter): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerFilterSet(self.hdwf, trig_filter._value)
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_filter_get(self): trig_filter = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerFilterGet(self.hdwf, byref(trig_filter)) return AnalogAcquisitionFilter(trig_filter)
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_channel_get(self): channel = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerChannelGet(self.hdwf, byref(channel)) return channel.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_condition_info(self): """ Returns the supported trigger type options for the instrument. They are returned (by reference) as a bit field. This bit field can be parsed using the IsBitSet Macro. Individual bits are defined using the DwfTriggerSlope constants in dwf.h. These trigger condition options are: - DwfTriggerSlopeRise (This is the default setting): - For edge and transition trigger on rising edge. - For pulse trigger on positive pulse; For window exiting. - DwfTriggerSlopeFall - For edge and transition trigger on falling edge. - For pulse trigger on negative pulse; For window entering. - DwfTriggerSlopeEither - For edge and transition trigger on either edge. - For pulse trigger on either positive or negative pulse. Returns ------- info : int """ info = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerConditionInfo(self.hdwf, byref(info)) return info.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_condition_set(self, condition): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerConditionSet(self.hdwf, condition._value)
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_condition_get(self): condition = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerConditionSet(self.hdwf, byref(condition)) return TriggerSlope(condition)
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_level_info(self): volts_min = c_double() volts_max = c_double() steps = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerLevelInfo(self.hdwf, byref(volts_min), byref(volts_max), byref(steps)) return volts_min.value, volts_max.value, steps.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_level_set(self, level): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerLevelSet(self.hdwf, c_double(level))
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_level_get(self): level = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerLevelGet(self.hdwf, byref(level)) return level.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_hysteresis_info(self): """ Retrieves the range of valid trigger hysteresis voltage levels for the AnalogIn instrument in Volts. The trigger detector uses two levels: low level (TriggerLevel - Hysteresis) and high level (TriggerLevel + Hysteresis). Trigger hysteresis can be used to filter noise for Edge or Pulse trigger. The low and high levels are used in transition time triggering.""" volts_min = c_double() volts_max = c_double() steps = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerHysteresisInfo(self.hdwf, byref(volts_min), byref(volts_max), byref(steps)) return volts_min.value, volts_max.value, steps.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_hysteresis_set(self, level): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerHysteresisSet(self.hdwf, c_double(level))
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_hysteresis_get(self): level = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerHysteresisGet(self.hdwf, byref(level)) return level.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_length_condition_info(self): """ Returns the supported trigger length condition options for the AnalogIn instrument. They are returned (by reference) as a bit field. This bit field can be parsed using the IsBitSet Macro. Individual bits are defined using the TRIGLEN constants in DWF.h. These trigger length condition options are: - triglenLess: Trigger immediately when a shorter pulse or transition time is detected. - triglenTimeout: Trigger immediately as the pulse length or transition time is reached. - triglenMore: Trigger when the length/time is reached, and pulse or transition has ended. Returns ------- supported trigger length conditions """ condition = c_int() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerLengthConditionInfo(self.hdwf, byref(condition)) return condition.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_length_condition_set(self, length): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerLengthConditionSet(self.hdwf, length._value)
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_length_condition_hysteresis_get(self): length = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerHysteresisGet(self.hdwf, byref(length)) return TriggerLength(length)
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_length_info(self): """ Returns the supported range of trigger length for the instrument in Seconds. The trigger length specifies the minimal or maximal pulse length or transition time. """ min_length = c_double() max_length = c_double() steps = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerLengthInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_length), byref(max_length), byref(steps)) return min_length.value, max_length.value, steps.value
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_length_set(self, length): dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerLengthSet(self.hdwf, c_double(length))
[docs] def analog_in_trigger_length_condition_get(self): length = c_double() dwf.FDwfAnalogInTriggerHysteresisGet(self.hdwf, byref(length)) return length.value
[docs] def digital_out_reset(self): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutReset(self.hdwf)
[docs] def digital_out_configure(self, status): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutConfigure(self.hdwf, c_int(status))
[docs] def digital_out_status(self): status = c_ubyte() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutStatus(self.hdwf, byref(status)) return InstrumentState(status)
[docs] def digital_out_internal_clock_info(self): frequency = c_double() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutInternalClockInfo(self.hdwf, byref(frequency)) return frequency.value
[docs] def digital_out_trigger_source_set(self, source): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutTriggerSourceSet(self.hdwf, source._value)
[docs] def digital_out_trigger_source_get(self): source = c_ubyte() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutTriggerSourceGet(self.hdwf, byref(source)) return TriggerSource(source)
[docs] def digital_out_trigger_slope_set(self, slope): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutTriggerSlopeSet(self.hdwf, slope._value)
[docs] def digital_out_trigger_slope_get(self): slope = c_int() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutTriggerSlopeGet(self.hdwf, byref(slope)) return TriggerSlope(slope)
[docs] def digital_out_run_info(self): min_run_len = c_double() max_run_len = c_double() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRunInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_run_len), byref(max_run_len)) return min_run_len.value, max_run_len.value
[docs] def digital_out_run_set(self, run_len): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRunSet(self.hdwf, c_double(run_len))
[docs] def digital_out_run_get(self): run_len = c_double() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRunGet(self.hdwf, byref(run_len)) return run_len.value
[docs] def digital_out_run_status(self): """Reads the remaining run length. It returns data from the last :meth:`~digital_out_status` call.""" run_len = c_double() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRunStatus(self.hdwf, byref(run_len)) return run_len.value
[docs] def digital_out_wait_info(self): """ Returns the supported wait length range in seconds. The wait length is how long the instrument waits after being triggered to generate the signal. Default value is zero.""" min_wait_length = c_double() max_wait_length = c_double() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutWaitInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_wait_length), byref(max_wait_length)) return min_wait_length.value, max_wait_length.value
[docs] def digital_out_wait_set(self, wait): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutWaitSet(self.hdwf, c_double(wait))
[docs] def digital_out_wait_get(self): wait = c_double() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutWaitGet(self.hdwf, byref(wait)) return wait.value
[docs] def digital_out_repeat_info(self): min_repeat = c_uint() max_repeat = c_uint() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRepeatInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_repeat), byref(max_repeat)) return min_repeat.value, max_repeat.value
[docs] def digital_out_repeat_set(self, repeat): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRepeatSet(self.hdwf, c_uint(repeat))
[docs] def digital_out_repeat_get(self): repeat = c_uint() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRepeatGet(self.hdwf, byref(repeat)) return repeat.value
[docs] def digital_out_repeat_status(self): repeat_counts = c_uint() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRepeatStatus(self.hdwf, byref(repeat_counts)) return repeat_counts.value
[docs] def digital_out_repeat_trigger_set(self, trigger): """Sets the repeat trigger option. To include the trigger in wait-run repeat cycles, set fRepeatTrigger to TRUE. It is disabled by default.""" dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRepeatTriggerSet(self.hdwf, c_int(trigger))
[docs] def digital_out_repeat_trigger_get(self): trigger = c_int() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutRepeatTriggerGet(self.hdwf, byref(trigger)) return trigger.value
[docs] def digital_out_count(self): """Returns the number of Digital Out channels by the device specified by hdwf.""" count = c_int() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutCount(self.hdwf, byref(count)) return count.value
[docs] def digital_out_enable_set(self, channel, enable): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutEnableSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), c_int(enable))
[docs] def digital_out_enable_get(self, channel): enable = c_int() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutEnableGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(enable)) return enable.value
[docs] def digital_out_output_info(self, channel): """ Returns the supported output modes of the channel. They are returned (by reference) as a bit field. This bit field can be parsed using the IsBitSet Macro. Individual bits are defined using the :class:`~dwfconst.DigitalOutOutput`: - DwfDigitalOutOutputPushPull: Default setting. - DwfDigitalOutOutputOpenDrain: External pull needed. - DwfDigitalOutOutputOpenSource: External pull needed. - DwfDigitalOutOutputThreeState: Available with custom and random types. """ out_output = c_int() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutOutputInfo(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(out_output)) return out_output.value
[docs] def digital_out_output_set(self, channel, output): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutOutputSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), output._value)
[docs] def digital_out_output_get(self, channel): output = c_int() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutOutputGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(output)) return DigitalOutOutput(output)
[docs] def digital_out_type_info(self, channel): """ Returns the supported types of the channel. They are returned (by reference) as a bit field. This bit field can be parsed using the IsBitSet Macro. Individual bits are defined using :class:`~dwfconst.DigitalOutType`: - DwfDigitalOutTypePulse: Frequency = internal frequency/divider/(low + high counter). - DwfDigitalOutTypeCustom: Sample rate = internal frequency / divider. - DwfDigitalOutTypeRandom: Random update rate = internal frequency/divider/counter alternating between low and high values. - DwfDigitalOutTypeROM: ROM logic, the DIO input value is used as address for output value - DwfDigitalOutTypePlay: Supported with Digital Discovery.""" info = c_int() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutTypeInfo(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(info)) return info.value
[docs] def digital_out_type_set(self, channel, out_type): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutTypeSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), out_type._value)
[docs] def digital_out_type_get(self, channel): out_type = c_int() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutTypeGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(out_type)) return DigitalOutType(out_type)
[docs] def digital_out_idle_info(self, channel): """ Returns the supported idle output types of the channel. They are returned (by reference) as a bit field. This bit field can be parsed using the IsBitSet Macro. Individual bits are defined using :class:`~dwfconst.DigitalOutIdle` : - DwfDigitalOutIdleInit: Output initial value. - DwfDigitalOutIdleLow: Low level. - DwfDigitalOutIdleHigh: High level. - DwfDigitalOutIdleZet: Three state. """ info = c_int() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutIdleInfo(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(info)) return info.value
[docs] def digital_out_idle_set(self, channel, idle): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutIdleSet(self.hdwf, channel, idle._value)
[docs] def digital_out_idle_get(self, channel): idle = c_int() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutIdleGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(idle)) return DigitalOutIdle(idle)
[docs] def digital_out_divider_info(self, channel): min_div = c_uint() max_div = c_uint() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutDividerInfo(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(min_div), byref(max_div)) return min_div.value, max_div.value
[docs] def digital_out_divider_init_set(self, channel, divider): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutDividerInitSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), c_uint(divider))
[docs] def digital_out_divider_init_get(self, channel): divider = c_uint() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutDividerInitGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(divider)) return divider.value
[docs] def digital_out_divider_set(self, channel, divider): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutDividerSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), c_uint(divider))
[docs] def digital_out_divider_get(self, channel): divider = c_uint() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutDividerGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(divider)) return divider.value
[docs] def digital_out_counter_info(self, channel): min_count = c_uint() max_count = c_uint() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutCounterInfo(self.hdwf, byref(min_count), byref(max_count)) return min_count.value, max_count.value
[docs] def digital_out_counter_init_set(self, channel, start_high, divider): """ Sets the initial state and counter value of the specified channel. """ dwf.FDwfDigitalOutCounterInitSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), c_int(start_high), c_uint(divider))
[docs] def digital_out_counter_init_get(self, channel): start_high = c_int() divider = c_uint() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutCounterInitGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(start_high), byref(divider)) return start_high.value, divider.value
[docs] def digital_out_counter_set(self, channel, low, high): """ Sets the counter low and high values for the specified channel.. """ dwf.FDwfDigitalOutCounterSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), c_uint(low), c_uint(high))
[docs] def digital_out_counter_get(self, channel): high = c_uint() low = c_uint() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutCounterGet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(high), byref(low)) return high.value, low.value
[docs] def digital_out_data_info(self, channel): """Returns the maximum buffers size, the number of custom data bits.""" bits = c_uint() dwf.FDwfDigitalOutDataInfo(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(bits)) return bits.value
[docs] def digital_out_data_set(self, channel, data_array, num_bits): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutDataSet(self.hdwf, c_int(channel), byref(data_array), c_uint(num_bits))
[docs] def digital_out_play_rate_set(self, rate): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutPlayRateSet(self.hdwf, c_double(rate))
[docs] def digital_out_play_data_set(self, bits, bits_per_sample, count): dwf.FDwfDigitalOutPlayRateSet(self.hdwf, byref(bits), c_uint(bits_per_sample), c_uint(count))